What is Noun ?
1. Defenition
Noun is the things in our environment, like chair, clothes, father, rudy, Nina,etc. The name of city, town, country are also classified as noun, like Siantar, Tarutung,Riau, etc.
In sentence, it is generally positioned as subject and object.
a) Kinds
To understand about noun largerly, we should know first about its kind which consist of four :
1) Common nouns.
It is the usual, familiar, or general things around us.
2) Proper nouns.
It is the noun meaning person’s name,nationality, occupation,a call for someone.
3) Abstract nouns.
Abstract means the name of thing untouchable and unseen-able. So abstract nouns means the name of thing which can’t be seen, touched but we can felt.
4) Collective nouns.
Collective means be in group. Collective nouns mean the group of certain things, whethe it is the group of person, nations, students, animals or etc.
b) Function of noun.
In a sentence, noun can be functioned as : subject of verb, object of verb, object of npreposition, complement of verb, and also it can be in the possesive case.
c) Noun phrase
A group of words which does not have subject and predicate but has a meaningis called phrase. The construction of noun phrase is determined by the noun as the head, and other word such as : preposition, conjunction and other part of speech.
d) clause
A clause is a group of word which has a verb and a subject and has a meaning.