What is Adjective ?
1. defenition
adjective is a word which modifies/modify noun. The modifier may come before or after the noun.
a) Kinds of adjective
1) Simple adjective : all adjectives which are originally single words.
2) Complex adjective : adjectives which are formed other than the way the original adjective form.
b) Position of adjective
There are two position of adjective in a sentence, they are before or after a verb. The position of adjective before a noun is called attributive, and the position after a verb is called predicative.
c) Adjective equivalent
At least there are seven adjective equivalents in which they functioning as to modify noun :
a) Article
b) Nouns
c) Participles and gerunds
d) Verb
e) Prepositional phrases
f) Clause
g) Adverb
h) genitives